(Point of view of Mitsuki about economy is excellent also)

I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods introduce study of human assistant Mitsuki in whole life.
This corner is article about economy.
Point of view of Mitsuki about economy is excellent also.
This is same to project of Heaven and gods.
Writing of Mitsuki was done by destiny program to down documents of Heaven in this life.

1 Human history is wave in point of view of time
2 principle of pursuing profit is taken in educational area, this makes education destroy
3 Now Mitsuki can receive words from god of star earth who downed P.R.Sarkar
4 Engels wrote that dialectical philosophy see not individual organ separated, see as one whole entity
5 middle and small economic structure with three direction force is needed
6 pursuing truth can be done only by struggle
7 area re-production structure should be revived by law of negation of negation
8 need of change of system which wealth and power center in whole world
9 worker is not dismissed without caring next job



1 人間の歴史は時間の観点においては波です。
2 教育はお金儲けのためにあるのではない。
3  今,ミツキはサ-カ-におろしていた地球の星の神から言葉を受け取ることができます。
4 エンゲルスは、弁証法的唯物論は個々の臓器を切り離して見ず、ひとつの全体として見ますと書きました。
5 マルクスの否定の否定の法則と三角構造
6  真実の探求は闘いなしにはなしえない 
7 多重的再生産構造の確立でバランスが崩れたときの被害を最小にする
8 富と権力が一部に集中する世界のシステムを変える以外に道はない
9 次の仕事を世話せず、解雇してはならない

Samvel Yervinyan - Confession (video inspired by god of star)

H.P. of socialist earth government (社会主義地球政府のH.P.)

appeal of gods of star

all H.P. of project of Heaven and gods
